Friday, September 7, 2007

On Vacation

I am currently in Illinois visiting my friend (Toknowhim). I am by myself so I am getting lots of work done (I brought stuff to work on while she is a t work.

It is funny, but when my friend moved to Illinois over 3 years ago she met a lady at her church who had an older son with Asperger's Syndrome, which is what my son has. I had contacted her about 3 years ago and she has been a wonderful mentor to me. It's neat how you can connect so easily to a perfect stranger when you have so much in common.

Well, last night I had an opportunity to meet with her and once again, she was a great source of encouragement to me. I am so grateful for her and the blessing she has been to me. She is walking a path that I am currently on, but she is way ahead of me. It is such a blessing to have her to share the things she is currently learning and to share the mistakes to avoid. Thank you Becky, for the godly example that you set before me!

Today, my friend and I leave to go to Nashville, TN (A 6 hour drive) to go to a women's conference. We are so excited. We get to see Beth Moore, Priscilla Shire, and Kay Arthur. Worship will be led by Travis Cotrell and Anthony Evans. It doesn't get much better than that. Great speakers, great worship, and a great friend. I am grateful for this opportunity to get away as life has been very busy for us. It has been good to get some work done too, that I have not had a chance to do.

I am sure my friend will post something about our trip when she gets back, and probably have some pictures too. You can go check out her blog from the side bar (Toknowhim). If you go there now, you can read a post that I wrote about her while she was at work, titled, "A teasured Friend".



Anonymous said...

I am praying for you to have a blessed time! God is so Good! I know getting away was very important to you and what you needed! God's will is amazing with just knowing the way He worked out you meeting Becky! Love and miss you!

Vicki said...

Yep, right there on the front row of Beth's blog!!! I said I KNOW that is Christina and decided to see if I could prove it and I think your blog does! I pray it was wonderful for you. You deserved a little break, girl! I am going to Phx with Kaylee and meeting two of my sisters when WOF is there in Nov! Can't wait!

Toknowhim said...

Well, I know you are not on vacation anymore :) I am waiting for your next post.. Love ya, Fwend

Moose says... "Dear Mrs. Cooke, I miss you, and when you go to Arkansas I can come with you and see you.. the end.

Snake says... "Mrs. Cooke, I miss you, please move to Arkansas and please be our friend.

Terminator says... "Um, Um, please Mrs. Cooke come back to Arkansas (Snake told him to say Arkansas)...come back tomorrow because..." He gave up at this point :)

Anonymous said...

Ditto to the first sentence of toknowhim!!!!!