I would like to give a special thanks to my friend Kim, for creating this Blog for our family's journey. I Thank my God every time I remember you!
Why this Blog?
Kim thought it would be a great idea to set up this Blog to track our Family's Journey, as we have recently answered the Lord's call in our lives to full time missions. We have accepted a position with Family Life, a subsidiary of Campus Crusade For Christ. Our family will soon be relocating to Little Rock, Arkansas.
The Lord has shown us so many things over the past several months, and has confirmed this call in so many ways. This journey will not be easy, but we know it will be very rewarding. Our boys have mixed feelings about this calling, but all agree it's better to be obedient to whatever the Lord has called us to do. As we travel on this journey, we know the Lord will show us great and mighty things about Himself, and we thought this would be a great way to share the journey with our family and friends.
As we set our hearts on pilgrimage (the journey to heaven), we pray our lives would bring glory to Jesus as we continue to invest in His Kingdom......